In the Crate Jan 25 - Bay Area Music Love
Today we’re offering up the first edition of “In the Crate,” a monthly playlist featuring songs by local artists that we just can’t stop listening to.
What's with the crate anyway?
We named this project White Crate because we each keep a crate next to the turntable filled with our recently played favorite records. The crates, of course, just so happen to be white. For years, we’d lug our white crates to neighborhood bars, clubs, and parties to play our favorite tracks across musical styles and eras for unsuspecting listeners.
Now we’re bringing back that vibe with this playlist series. Each month we’ll share a new playlist of songs culled from our recent reviews, exciting single releases, and our own musical discovery from past to present. “In the Crate”—your soundtrack to the Bay.
See our reviews of these releases:
- Buyaffectionately -
Live At Tiny Telephone 9/24/2024 - BuyTom Conneely & Birds of Paradise -
I Know It - BuySPELLLING -Sacred Bones Records
Portrait of My Heart - BuyKahj & Versâam -
Kahj Loves You - BuyChuck Prophet feat. ¿Qiensave? -Yep Roc Records
Wake the Dead - BuyNoelle & The Deserters -Speakeasy Studios SF
High Desert Daydream - BuyBrown Dog -
Sweet Exits - BuyB. Hamilton -
Back in the Line (2025) - Buynew not shameful, trust blinks. -Cherub Dream Records
nns / trust blinks. split - BuyJerod S. Rivera -
Dot Dash - BuyKathryn Mohr -The Flenser
Waiting Room - BuyAncient Rage -
Ancient Rage - BuyDarama, Kush Arora -
Rattle - BuyBlood Rave -
Exponential Decay - BuyNaked Roommate -Trouble In Mind Records
Pass The Loofah - BuyBrontez Purnell -
Forgive Me, Philip (Trio Version) - BuyWife -Chris Records
Starla's Theme - BuyBLOUS3 -Cherub Dream Records
Synchronized Swimming - BuyDiscodelic -
Combo Tezeta - Limited Edition 45rpm